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Kiki - King Charles Spaniel
"Kiki is 4, and 4 months ago, she was in agony and couldn't use her back leg properly. After tests were done, she was diagnosed with a suspected torn cruciate ligament injury.
Our vet introduced us to Rachael. A young freshly qualified animal physio.
How Kiki has transformed!
Kiki is naturally a very timid, nervous dog but immediately warmed to Rachael's kind, relaxed nature.
We have now had around 6 sessions with Rachael and Kiki has improved so much!
She is back to running and playing with her sisters!
Even though Kiki is almost back to normal, I will continue to take Kiki to see Rachael regularly, as I know from research that by continua physio, it will prevent this happening again.
Can't rate Rachael enough!"
- Nicola B
Billy - Welsh Section D
"Billy felt amazing after his session with Rachael! I could really tell the difference as he softened really nicely.
Thank you so much Rachael!"
Rikee - Welsh Cob
"Rikee felt super under saddle today after his treatment with Rachael. He was more willing in the travers and half pass which is what we have been struggling with due to tension. Thank you!"